Transactions for Rachel Drakon

Category Description Date Added by
Bonus MP bonus comp participation: 5 2017-06-28 TCCOM
MP MP bonus comp scores: 22 MP Bonus Win 2017-06-28 TCCOM
MP LoSs processed from the Co-op killboard: 2 Legion of Skirmish 2017-06-22 BOTini
MP LoSs processed from the Co-op killboard: 3 Legion of Skirmish 2017-06-22 BOTini
MP LoSs processed from the Co-op killboard: 3 Legion of Skirmish 2017-06-21 BOTini
MP LoSs processed from the Co-op killboard: 8 Legion of Skirmish 2017-06-21 BOTini
